Arizona Central Business Loans

Arizona Central is a full-service commercial lender offering lending options similar to larger financial institutions.

Commercial Real Estate

Expand your business with a commercial real estate loan. These loans are ideal for such endeavors as building or buying new office space, manufacturing facilities or a warehouse to store your inventory.

  • Investment and owner occupied
  • Loan amounts up to 70% of the property’s value
  • Up to 25 years amortization
  • Rates fixed for up to 5 years

Lines of Credit

Revolving lines of credit can help you manage fluctuating cashflow and are great for short-term credit needs such as purchasing inventory, materials or equipment, or financing accounts receivable. The best part is, as it’s a line of credit, funds repaid are immediately available for borrowing again up to your credit limit without any additional paperwork or application.

  • Interest-only payments
  • Renewable annually
  • Competitive variable rates

Term Loans

Perfect for long-term financing, term loans can help your business afford capital for bigger investments such as equipment purchases, consolidating existing debt and acquisition of other long-term assets.

  • Competitive fixed rates
  • Terms up to 5 years

How do I get started?

Due to the specialized nature of our business lending options, to open an account, please click here to receive more information and an application.

Learn more on how to get a business loan for your startup.

Why Choose Arizona Central Credit Union?

Arizona Central Credit Union has been providing Arizona businesses in Phoenix and beyond with commercial financing since 1939. Whether you need a line of credit or a term loan, Arizona Central, Arizona’s leading local credit union, will be here to safeguard you and help you achieve your business goals.

Working with a smaller lender for your commercial loan needs means you can get more individualized attention. Sometimes that can also translate into lower rates. Arizona Central works with a variety of businesses from small mom-and-pops to commercial empires.

Business Loans FAQs

Business loan requirements can vary greatly depending on the amount and the type of loan. Broad considerations for business loans include personal or business credit scores, revenue, years in business, and the size of the business or industry.

The difficulty of getting a small business loan can depend on the lender requirements and the current financial standing and stability of your business.

Qualifications to get a small business loan can vary depending on the lender. Generally, a baseline requirement to get a loan is having a high credit score.

We encourage you to learn more on how to get a startup business loan.

Applications for a business loan can be as simple as reaching out to a lender.

Our Business Lead Form is a great first step!

The business loans we offer are Commercial Real Estate, Lines of Credit, and Term Loans.

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