How Students Can Be More Sustainable and Save Money, Too

Published On: February 22, 2024Categories: Spending and Saving

Financial well-being and saving the environment can go hand in hand. Contrary to popular belief, living sustainably doesn’t have to strain your budget. Even younger people can adopt eco-friendly habits that not only contribute to a greener planet but also make sound financial sense and savings for students.

According to a survey cited in Nature, more people are adopting behaviors to benefit the planet. Among those surveyed, 31% say they’re recycling, 62% are practicing electricity conservation, 48% use energy-saving products, and 61% are actively reducing waste.

Here are seven sustainability tips that will help you be a responsible steward of the environment while being savvy with your money:

1. Shop Thrift Stores for Economical Elegance

Thrift shopping is more than just a trend; it’s a financially savvy and eco-conscious choice. By purchasing second-hand clothing, you not only save money but also contribute to the reduction of textile waste. It’s a win-win situation for both your wallet and the planet.

Tips for thrift shopping

  • Explore local thrift stores: Check out thrift stores in your area for budget-friendly, unique fashion finds. You’ll be surprised at the treasures waiting to be discovered.
  • Pick quality over quantity: When thrift shopping, focus on the quality of the items rather than the quantity. Invest in timeless pieces that can withstand trends and seasons.
  • Upcycle thrifted items: Get creative with your finds by embracing do-it-yourself (DIY) upcycling projects. Transforming a simple thrifted piece into something personalized adds value without breaking the bank.

2. Invest in Reusables for Long-Term Savings

Switching to reusable items may require a small initial investment, but the long-term savings and environmental benefits make it a prudent financial decision. Reusables cut down on single-use waste, helping you save money on disposable alternatives while reducing your ecological footprint.

Tips for reusables

  • Consider water bottles and coffee cups: Invest in a durable, reusable water bottle and coffee cup. Many coffee shops offer discounts for customers bringing their own cups, saving you money in the long run.
  • Invest in shopping bags: Carry a reusable shopping bag to avoid the cost and environmental impact of single-use plastic bags. Some stores even offer incentives for using your own bags.

3. Be Energy Efficient for Financial Fitness

Being mindful of your energy consumption not only helps you save the environment but also directly impacts your utility bills. Conserving energy at home can lead to significant cost savings over time, aligning with both financial responsibility and sustainable living.

Tips for energy efficiency

  • Turn off and unplug: Develop a habit of turning off lights and electronics when not in use. Unplug chargers and devices that are not actively charging to prevent “phantom” power consumption, which occurs when inactive electronics still use electricity.
  • Invest in energy-efficient appliances: When it’s time to replace appliances, consider energy-efficient models. While they may have a higher upfront cost, they often pay for themselves through lower energy bills over their lifespan.
  • Maximize natural light: Make the most of natural light during the day. Open curtains and blinds to reduce the need for artificial lighting, saving both energy and money.
  • Use smart thermostats: Control your heating and cooling efficiently with a smart thermostat. Program it to adjust the temperature when you’re away, optimizing energy usage and reducing utility expenses.

4. Make Your Own Cleaners for Fiscal Cleanliness

Commercial cleaning products can be expensive and often contain harsh chemicals. By creating your own cleaning solutions at home, you not only save money but also promote a healthier living environment and reduce your ecological impact.

Tips for DIY cleaning solutions

  • Basic ingredients: Stock up on versatile and affordable ingredients, such as vinegar, baking soda, lemon, and castile soap. These items can be used to create a variety of effective cleaning solutions.
  • All-purpose cleaner: Mix equal parts water and vinegar for an effective all-purpose cleaner. Add a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant scent.
  • Baking soda scrub: Baking soda is a gentle abrasive that works well for scrubbing surfaces. Combine it with water or a bit of liquid soap to create a budget-friendly scrub.
  • Lemon freshness: Lemon is a natural deodorizer and can add a fresh scent to your cleaning solutions. Use it to clean surfaces, deodorize garbage disposals, and more.
  • Reuse spray bottles: Instead of buying new spray bottles for your DIY solutions, repurpose empty ones. This reduces waste and avoids unnecessary spending.

5. Utilize Meal Planning to Save Money 

Meal planning is a powerful strategy for students looking to save money and reduce food waste. It not only helps you stick to a budget but also allows you to make healthier food choices and minimize the environmental impact associated with excessive packaging and food waste.

Tips for meal planning

  • Create a weekly menu: Plan your meals for the week ahead. This not only streamlines your grocery shopping but also prevents impulse purchases and reduces food waste.
  • Buy in bulk: Purchase staple items in bulk to save money in the long run. Consider items such as rice, pasta, and grains, which have a longer shelf life.
  • Embrace leftovers: Plan for leftovers or repurpose ingredients in multiple meals. This minimizes food waste and stretches your budget.
  • Cook in batches: Prepare larger quantities of meals that can be portioned and frozen for later use. This is not only a time-saver but also prevents food spoilage.

6. Ride the Green Wave for Smart Transportation Choices

Transportation costs can add up quickly for students. Opting for sustainable transportation methods not only reduces your carbon footprint but also helps you save money on gas, parking, and maintenance.

Tips for smart transportation

  • Public transportation: Use public transportation options available in your area. Monthly passes or student discounts can make this a cost-effective choice.
  • Biking or walking: Consider biking or walking for shorter distances. It’s not only environmentally friendly but also promotes physical well-being.
  • Carpooling: Share rides with classmates or friends if you need to travel by car. Carpooling not only saves money on fuel but also reduces traffic congestion.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance can extend the life of your bike or vehicle, reducing the need for costly repairs and replacements.

7. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle for Financial Savvy Eco-Practices

Adopting the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle not only benefits the environment but also aligns with smart financial practices. It’s about making intentional choices to minimize unnecessary expenses and waste.

Tips for smart eco-practices

  • Reduce impulse purchases: Before buying something new, consider whether it’s truly necessary. Reducing unnecessary purchases not only saves money but also minimizes the demand for resources.
  • Reuse and repurpose: Instead of discarding items, find creative ways to reuse or repurpose them. This can range from repurposing old clothing to turning containers into storage solutions.
  • Mindful recycling: Learn about the recycling practices in your area and follow them diligently. Recycling not only reduces landfill waste but also supports the production of recycled materials.
  • Eco-friendly gifts: Consider giving and receiving gifts that are sustainable or experiences rather than material possessions. This reduces clutter and promotes a more intentional approach to consumption.

Reach Your Goals at Arizona Central Credit Union

By incorporating these tips for green living and thrifty practices into your daily life, you’re not just saving money, you’re investing in a sustainable future. Your financial wellness and the well-being of the planet are interconnected, and we’re here to support you on this journey toward a greener and more prosperous tomorrow.

Arizona Central Credit Union wants to help you and your family reach your financial goals, whether that’s going green, going to college, or buying your first car. Explore our wide variety of checking and savings account options that can help you start building your future. If you have any questions about opening an account, contact us online or call (866) 264-6421.